Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pay Attention to your Mother

After a busy day out in Berkeley, Ryan was spending some quality time on Lisa's lap.  It is so fascinating to see how he looks at her, the faces he makes, and how well he's holding his head up these days.


Anonymous said...

Some pictures - especially this bottom one - are so like Tim's baby pics. In others I don't see much resemblance. One thing is for sure, that double chin will be around for a while.
Gma Z

Anonymous said...

Just when I think Ryan can't get any cuter--you post more pictures and voila--there he is--cuter than ever. I too see Tim in some pictures and in others I see Lisa, I really think he's got the best of you both. He's a real living doll and I just want to pick him up and hug him. Love, GmaP

K and As Mom said...

He really is gorgeous ;)

Oh no, I think I'm starting to sound like a grandma! :-P