Monday, January 7, 2008

5 Months Old; 100 Posts

Two pretty big milestones today - actually, 3. Ryan is now 5 months old, this is the 100th post on the blog, and Ryan had his first rice cereal.....

There's been no doubt that he's been checking out all of our food and grabbing for anything in sight. Now he just goes after his spoon.

I think we still need to work on getting all of it to get into, or even near, his mouth.
He sure does clean up well after he's done though.

1 comment:

K and As Mom said...

What a big boy!

I love that piano. I think Kelly wants to come over and play with it -- she either has a real one at Grandma's house (that she can't exactly get to without help!) or a lame Fisher Price one with only 8 keys. Ryan's is so cute ;)