Sunday, July 13, 2008

Father and Son

Ryan had a rough night last night so Lisa got to sleep in for a few hours this morning. That, of course, leads to awesome alone time for me with the boy. You can tell that it was just him and I by this wonderful outfit that I put him in. I was told later that it didn't match. No way that would fly with his mother around.This one needs a small explanation. This rabbit that Ryan is playing with is named "Original". Quite the name, right? Well, here's the story. This little guy was Lisa's when she was a kid. Her dad broguh tit back from Germany for her. It is a Steiff and it had a paper tag on it letting you know that it is part of the "original" Steiff collection. My darling wife, in her naive youth thought that it was a name tag. Thus - her new pet rabbit became known as "Original". This year, he became Ryan's first easter bunny.We got out his first percussion instruments. Its small egg-shaped maraca. Definitely fun to shake.Then we got in to a little game of tug-of-war with the dog.When you're out of the house all day, weekends are the only chance to spend those first hours with your child. A good time was had by all.

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