Sunday, August 10, 2008

One Year round up

Ryan had his one year doctor appointment on Friday. Essentially, we have an 70 - 80th percentile baby. His head is actually down out of the 90's.
So's here's where we stand:
weight: 24 lbs. 1 oz.
height: 30 3/4 in.
head: 47 cm.

He's a happy healthy boy, full of curiosity. He has a great personality, walks almost all the time and is pretty much down to one nap a day. I am not sure if that's better or worse for Lisa. He likes our phone and TV remote better than any of his own toys and will bolt up the stairs any time he gets a chance. No real words yet, but he always has something to say :)

Hopefully year two will be filled with just as much fun and excitement (minus the cross-country move and drawn out background investigations). Only time will tell...

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