Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Stats and a Look Inside

For all of you parents, don't have to explain the horror and guilt that you go through when you see your child upset or in pain. Since I am at work, I'm not a part of that as often as Lisa.

The good news is that we have Ryan's stats from his 15 month check up. The bad news is that he had a really rough day. This is the email that Lisa sent to me to keep me in the loop.

RE: open enrollment
Lisa Zolandz
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:51 AM
To: Zolandz, Timothy W.


that's up 1#1oz, 1", & 1.5cm. he's down to 60th percentile for weight but around 75th for length. not sure about the head but i know its big :)
we had 4 shots and a trip to labcorp :( they pulled blood at lab corp to test for peanut and tree nut allergies. it took 2 sticks and then he was an incredibly slow bleeder. i'd say this qualifies as ryan's worst day of his life so far. i would have stopped to buy him some icecream or some sort of treat but i think he would have had a fit in the store. i think we'll do an early nap today. obviously we're not doing playgroup today. the blood draw was horrible :(

I can only imagine how rough is was on her - not to mention what the boy went through. Another day in the life on Ryan and his mom.

1 comment:

Ryan's Mom said...

I think we're very lucky that Ryan isn't talking yet because I would have given him whatever he wanted yesterday. Puppy? Sure why not! A kitten? Of course!