Sunday, November 1, 2009

More Tricks Than Treats

I would love to tell you that Ryan looked fantastic in his fireman costume, that he loved trick or treating and that halloween is now his favorite holiday. I could tell you all of that, but none of it would be true. Our strong willed child instead opted for a firetruck shirt, romping in the leaves and visiting 1.5 houses.

We went over to Uncle Mike's house for the evening. To date, Uncle Mike is most famous to Ryan for breaking the doors off a matchbox ambulance 25 years ago when we were kids. Him and his girls had fantastic costumes. Catherine dressed as Hermione, Anna as Cinderella and my brother as some professor from Harry Potter whose name escapes me.

You would think that all of this dressing up would inspire Ryan to join in, but his Parmentier stubborness and the massive collection of Thomas trains kept him occupied for a while.

After a little bit of convincing and one of Grandma's cookies, Ryan did agree to put on his boots and head outside. He stomped in the leaves and went "flying" with grandma and grandpa...

There were two attempts at trick-or-treating. In the first aborted attempt, Ryan made it half way to the door. On the second try, Grandma got him all the way to the house to get his candy!! Another day in the life of Ryan.

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