Monday, September 19, 2011

Turning 21....

....months that is.  So i just noticed that my last post was 19/20.  That means I really haven't updated in a while.  Doesn't mean we haven't been running around like crazy, just means it hasn't made its way here.  sorry about that, but that's a post for another day.  Today we recap month 21 of my littlest buddy.

The kid absolutely cracks me up these days.  he brightens even the worst days after work, laughs, loves and sticks up for himself :)

He loves to bring everyone little presents or items he thinks you want.  He'll grab my phone, or the remote control and proudly stroll up to me and say "ee-go" his take on "here you go" - adorable.

Among his favorite games right now is ring around the rosey.  somehow its been called "gob gob" but he has he "all fall down" part licked.

Most animals these days are referred to by the sounds that they make.  All birds are "bock bock".  He'll tell you about the "keetteee" that is promptly followed by a huge meow.  Sheep, cows and goats are all better known by their sounds.

Evan will come up to you on the couch, grab your toes and start saying wee wee wee in an effort to play this little piggy with you.

He mimics my shaving, and deoderant application, wears my shoes and ties and is thoroughly confused when i wear a picture of my self on my work ID around my neck. oh, and he has his parts of the body down cold.

He sleeps solidly through the night (except at my parents' house) and still takes a solid nap.  His laugh is infectious and his curiosity amazing.

I can't believe this kid is approaching two....
I can't believe this kid is approaching two....

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