Sunday, December 9, 2007

My Generation

Today was a really special day. For the first time, my brother and I were together as fathers, our children first met as cousins and the entire collection of the Zolandz family got together.

This is Ryan with his cousin Anna. She was born in April. We all think that there is definitely a family resemblance between them.

Both kids were a little sleepy having just woken up from naps but they got along really well. Ryan is a bit of an antagonist, but Anna kept him in line.

My brother's older daughter, Catherine, is excited to be the Big Cousin. She can't wait to be in charge.

Overall, Mike and I couldn't be happier with the families that we have. Poor Ryan, I am not sure he knows what he's in for being surrounded by all those women.

Never one to pass up being held, Ryan had no problem with Uncle Mike carrying him around.

1 comment:

K and As Mom said...

I can't belive Catherine -- she's so grown up! She was just a wee little person at your wedding. It's nice that the family could finally unite!