Monday, February 18, 2008

A Win-Win Situation

Lisa and I have discovered a couple of the inherent weaknesses in our Working Dad/Stay at Home Mom system - she wishes she had more time to sleep and I wish that I had more time with Ryan. Well, as a part of a solution, we use the weekends to make up for that lost time. When Ryan wakes up sometime between 6 and 8, I get up with him and Lisa catches up on sleep. It's my time alone with Ryan. We laugh and play, run the occasional errand. And of course, I take a few pictures along the way.

"Good Morning, Daddy!!!" Even with his sleepy face and bed head, he still has a reason to smile.
"It's never too early for a tasty bite of my own foot."

After all the fun, its just about time for him to take a nap....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful and changing so much every day. I see more and more of Lisa. But - I don't who's responsible for the mohawk.