Thursday, January 14, 2010


We ventured out a few weeks ago to check out the Frostival at Dulles Expo Center. It was an indoor playland for kids with crafts, entertainers, bounce houses and the like. Ryan also go a to check out his favorite band - Rocknoceros. Lisa would tell you that I like them more than Ryan, but we can't go anywhere now without listening to Pink, "park song", "time song" or "hat song"...

Entranced by the music.....

Chilling in the back of a Subaru that was on display while listening to Rockno...

Snacks and your favorite band....does it get better?

I think we need a moon bounce in the house to help burn off excess energy....

1 comment:

K and As Mom said...

Hehe... I like Rocknoceros more than Kelly does too... but she does like them :)