Thursday, November 29, 2007

So Long CA

Well, it's been an interesting ride to say the least. We had our ups and downs, but in the end, it will always hold a special place for us as the birthplace of our son. Thanks to all of you who had a positive influence on our time out here. You were the first ones to meet our son and the ones who were there when times were tough. I'm sure we'll remain in touch.

For the East Coast folks - we're coming home. Can't wait to see you all and introduce you to the little one.

So here's one last shot from here. We'll be back online after our traveling circus navigates the airport.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck and have a Safe and Happy Trip!!! Waiting anxiously,
Love, GmaP

K and As Mom said...

Can't wait to see you here!

Travelling circus indeed. I can't help but smile at the image of you two, the baby, the dog, and the cat in the airport. ;) I hope it goes smoothly!!